
Step-by-Step Tying JC's Clear Shrimp Fly

My favorite fly that I love to tie is this Clear Shrimp Fly. Many also love this fly pattern. This fly pattern imitates the Shrimps that can be found in the freshwater and saltwater that are fed by the fish. It can be tied in different hook size (from hook size 12 to size 2/0).

Tying Materials
• White Thread (70 denier) / Clear Monofil Thread.
• Mustad C47SD Shrimp Hook (size 4).
• 20-30 lb Monoline (for Shrimp eyes).
• White Synthetic Fiber Standard Dubbing.
• Pearl UV Tinsel.
• Pearl UV Flashabou.
• White Slinky Fiber.
• Keough Hackle feathers – White/ Cream.
• Loon UV Fly Paint – Yellow.
• Bug-Bong Multipurpose UV Cure Resin – Original.

Tying Steps
Step 1
• Insert and secure the hook into the vise.
• The hook has to be insert at the right depth into the vise.

Step 2
• Wrapped the thread onto the hook.
• Wrap the thread over the hook and around the shank toward the eye.

Step 3
• Continue to wrap the bobbin and thread toward the rear of the hook until the thread is slightly down the bend. If you let go of the bobbin it will hang near the barb of the hook.

Step 4
• Cut the monoline about 1½ to 2 inch length.
• Use a lighter to melt both ends of the monoline. The length should remain about 1 inch long.

Step 5
• Fold the monoline Shrimp eyes into half – like a ‘V’ shape.

Step 6
• Fold both edge of the mono Shrimp eyes into half again. Now its ready to be tied onto the hook shank.

Step 7
• Tie the Monoline Shrimp eyes onto the hook bend.
• After wrapping the thread around the mono Shrimp eyes, wrapped the thread towards the hook eye.

Step 8
• Wrap a thin layer of the White dubbing on the thread.
• Wind the dubbing from the hook eye towards the mono Shrimp eyes.

Step 9
• Wrapped the dubbing along the hook shank from the hook eye towards the mono Shrimp eyes.
• Slowly build the Shrimp body (from thin to thick).

Next we will be using a little of the Loon UV Fly Paint.
Step 10
• Turn the vise to turn the Shrimp upwards.
• Squeeze 1-2 drops of the UV Fly Paint onto the Shrimp abdomen (below the Shrimp’s eyes).
• This creates the egg sack in the Shrimp fly.

Step 11
• Use the UV torchlight to dry the UV Fly paint.
• It takes just a few seconds to dry.

Step 12
• Once the UV paint dried, turn the vise back to the original position.

Step 13
• Cut a pinch of the White Slinky Fiber.
• Tie the White Slinky Fiber onto the hook bend.
• This Slinky Fiber imitates the Shrimp's walking legs and claws.

Step 14
• Take 1 strand of the Pearl UV Tinsel and cut into 4 strands.
• Tie the Tinsels onto the Slinky Fiber.
• The Tinsels imitate the Shrimp’s antennas.

Step 15
• Cut a few strands of the Pearl Flashabou.
• Tie the Flashabou onto the Tinsels.
• The Flashabou imitates the Shrimp's rostrum and also gives glitter to the Shrimp's body.

Step 16
• Take 1 strand of Keough Hackle feather.
• Tie the feather behind the Slinky Fiber.

Step 17
• The Hackle is palmered towards the hook eye and secured.
• Cut away the remaindered hackle.

Step 18
• Wrapped the bobbin thread over the hackle towards the Shrimp’s eyes. This will secured the hackle.
• The hackle imitates the Shrimp's walking and swimming legs.

Step 19
• Used the thread to tie the Slinky Fiber, Tinsels and Flashabou onto the hook shank, and at the same time tying the abdomen segments of the Shrimp fly towards the hook eye.

Step 20
• At the hook eye whipped finish and knot the thread.
• Trim the tail of the Shrimp and also the hackles poking out on both side of the Shrimp’s body.

Step 21
• Before building the Shrimp’s body and head, loosen the hook grip on the vise and tilt the Shrimp fly (where the tail bends down a little).

Now use the Bug-Bond Multipurpose UV Cure Resin to finish up the Shrimp fly. This is to build the Shrimp's body and head. It works like epoxy, but it dries faster and does not turn yellowish after using the fly for fishing, or being kept too long in the fly box, or under the sun.
 Step 22
• Lightly squeeze a little of the BB UV Cure Resin to shaped the Shrimp’s body and head.
• Do it slowly and part-by-part.

Step 23
• Use the UV Flashlight to dry the UV Cure Resin after shaping the Shrimp fly. Then the Shrimp fly is done.

Now the Shrimp fly is done and ready for you to take and go for fishing!
This Shrimp Fly is created and tied to imitate the real Shrimps that can be found in the river, lakes, and sea.


  1. superb illustration. keep it up thankyou

  2. a very impressive shrimp pattern. I am looking forward to tying and fishing your shrimp in Norway for sea trout. I would just change the yellow for orange and colour it a beige sandy colour to match our shrimps

    1. Great! Do post up your tying and catches as well. Happy tying!

    2. Great! Do post up your tying and catches as well. Happy tying!
